June 3, 2008

Mario Permanete

I will come straight out and say it.

I am a Gamer

I love video games in almost every shape and form and one day, I'm going to get into that industry because I love it so much.
But, I am also a graduate of the sociology program, and thus, I am constantly curious about my surrounding culture and how it is evolving.

Before I write, I have a short story to tell you.

In a distant country, two men were out in the wilderness when they came upon the river. One was young, and one was old. The two, upon seeing the river, sat out to fish for some food. After a few hours, the men saw something floating downstream. The young man rushed out into the river and caught it.
It was a baby.
The young man brought it back to shore and the two men covered it up and made sure it was comfortable. But as soon as they did this, they saw two things floating down river.
Both men rushed into the water and found that the two things were babies.
They repeated the process with the two new babies only to look again and see three babies.
Then four.
then five.
Abruptly, the old man stopped, got out of the river, and started to head upstream, where the babies were coming from.
The young man, valiantly tring to save all the babies, called out to the old man.
"Where are you going? Won't you stay and help me?"
The old man turned and looked back, saying this.
"You can stay here, fishing these babies out of the river. I'm going upstream to see who is throwing them in."

In medical sociology, there is this concept of trying to solve problems "upstream." For example, instead of trying to stop the smoker from smoking, they would examine the environment and other social factors that encourage and promote smoking and try and change those.

The reason I bring this up has to do with this story I read at Gamasutra.com

According to Obesity In America.org, one of the big causes in Obesity is one diet.

Well according to the link I posted above, the one to Gamasutra.com, Games are joining in on the fight against obesity...sort of.

The magic of video games folks.

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