June 1, 2008

Let me introduce myself.

Greetings wayward internet surfer.
Welcome to Momentary Zen Instances.
Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Andrew. As of writing this, I am 23, white, and male.
I am Agnostic and as far as I can tell, straight in my sexual orientation.
I am a Sociology Graduate from Kent State University.
I love music, video games, writing, martial arts, and watching the world change.

Yet the thing you may want to know is why am I starting this blog?

And to be brutally honest, I have no specific, crusading reason as to starting this blog.But, what I do know is that I see the world in a unique way.
Or, at least I feel it's unique.
And my opinions on things may spark discourse, angry comments,
or even introspection.

If any of these things happen, then I guess this blog has a purpose.
But even if these things don't happen, then viva freedom of speech, ne?

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