June 14, 2008

10 Carton Limit

So it's about 2:45 in the morning and I want some supplies.
Mainly a Red Bull and some munchies.

I go out and drive to Speedway, a Twenty Four hour gas station near me, to fix my munchies craving. I go and get a Red Bull and a bag of chips.

Walk up to the counter.

And see a sign that made me want to violently punch small animals.

It was a small, non-descript, white sign hanging from the cigarette racks.
And it said:
"Philip Morris USA: 10 Carton Limit"
And this was per day

Below it were three more companies that produce cigarettes. One had a 5 carton limit, one had a 2 carton limit while the last one...had a No carton limit

And this limit was based on...daily consumption.

So, on the off chance that you need 11 Philip Morris brand cigarettes from that store, and ONLY that store, you're fucked. But, in the even more off chance that you need 18 Cartons of cigarettes, you can only get 10 Philip Morris, 5 of the one, 2 of the other, and then realize, holy fuck, i could have gotten 18 Cartons of that last one. So make sure you plan out who you want to screw over. When you go back to the office, or the site, or whatever, and say "HAHA BILL, I couldn't get you Philip Morris Cigarettes because I bought them for Joey, Susey, Franky, Bobby Laney, Julie, Petey, Annie, Tiny, and that homeless wanderer who begs us for quarters and there is a 10 CARTON LIMIT! hahahaha, got you fucker!"

Is this really a reasonable restriction? To stop you now, no, I am not saying this is too restrictive. Seriously.

Do I even need to complain about this?

But the sad thing is you know, You know that there was a problem with people buying more than 10 Cartons and someone said "you know, that's not something we should allow to happen! Let's put a stop to that!"

20 Cigarettes a pack.
10 Packs per Carton
10 Cartons
so then... 20x10=200. 200X10=2000.

2000 Cigarettes that you can purchase in a day. Just from that store.

so... let's see here.
24 Hours in a Day
60 Minutes in an Hour
60 Seconds in a minute
that means 24X60 =1440. 1440X60=86400.
86400 seconds in a day.

2000/86400 = 43.2

In order to smoke all those cigarettes in one day, you'd have to smoke a full cigarette every 43.2 seconds for 24 hours.


What is the point of that restriction. If you're going to make a restriction, make it mean something. 1 Carton a day or something that will actually be....i don't know....restrictive?

That's just stupid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You smoke? Me too :x bad habit.