November 17, 2008

Music Update


Man, I need to get back to writing some productive posts.

Anyway, just wanted to say I got two more songs I want to compose and then I'll find out where I want to post them and what I want to do.

November 6, 2008


I've always been a big fan of music. One of my heroes is Freddy Mercury and I have been fortunate enough to have experienced many different genres of music, ranging from County to Hip-Hop, Trance to Metal and all around beautiful music in between.

I've decided that I should at least make an attempt at contributing to an art form that has done so much for me. When I feel more energetic, a blog posting about music seems in order.

But what this post is saying is that once I get a few more songs composed, I'm going to post them on my blog. Then I can say that I actually have contributed something, regardless of if people listen or not.

November 5, 2008

Le sigh

Dear Blog.

It's been a while since we last spoke. That is terribly rude on my part. I wanted to let you know I have no ill will towards you, I've just been busy. I've been creating and working and taking care of my kitten and reflecting.

And the excuses pile on. I regret that we have no spoken for a little over a month. This is what I truly miss.


I miss seeing my words posted for all to see if they so choose to read them. I miss how you, my blog, were able to allow me the opportunity to express my thoughts and feelings in my often hidden, deepest, linguistic passion And I miss writing in general. I need to make more of an effort to follow my dream.

I have an idea brewing in my mind for a new story. I am going to start planning it out and actually make an effort towards being what I want to be. A writer.

Because deep down, as the country has now proven, I need to bear in mind the Occam's razor of life: "Yes, We Can."
