September 28, 2008


Sorry it's been over a month since I've last written, I've been exhausted. With the new kitten, of which I will eventually post pictures of, work getting more complicated along with my yearning to get back into academia, I just haven't had the desire to write.

But when I was outside, I got to thinking. I recently watched Babylon A.D. Great movie with Vin Diesel. (I don't care what people say, that D&D nerd is a bad ass action star and a good actor.) There was this scene in the movie where they were flying in a jet liner. The hull was painted with in Coca Cola decor. Sounds innocent right?

Yet, for some reason, it got me to thinking.

Another movie I watched recently is called Idiocracy. Great movie featuring Luke Wilson. and alot of it says something about corporations if you look at it the way I did the second time I watched it. Pixar's movie Wall-E also has a lot to say about future corporate involvement in our everyday lives.

These movies, and more, are saying alot about how too much corporate involvement is a detriment to us as a society. But what is odd is all of these movies...are produced/funded/made by corporations themselves.

It is almost like we are being warned about something happening by the people who are making it happen, but it is in a movie, so we perceive it as make believe. the simple that corporations are able to joke about and make money off of using the concept of Total Societal Neocolonialism is astonishing to me.

It's like a friend coming up to you, laughing his/her ass off about how he/she is going to shoot you in the face in the near future with the shotgun they just purchased, then getting you to laugh about it as they pull the trigger.

Granted, there are some good corporations out there. I will try to refrain from lumping all corporations into one group and labeling them as evil. That's just stupid.

But the simple fact that we can laugh about something that could be a distinct reality in the near future scares me.

Side Note: My kitten is awesome and made of win.

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