April 22, 2009

Epic thought process

Unable to fall asleep, I find myself contemplating, only to lead to the question: what do I really know? I have scant knowledge of many things, but that is only a placebo for my worries. For what I fear, and am starting to believe, is that I truly know nothing, nothing of true value, but am i not supposed to know thyself? and if so, if knowing that I know nothing leads me to knowing myself better, then does the fact that I know nothing mean that I, in fact, know something, if I would be so bold as to quantify 'nothing' as something. But then, would knowing that I know something, even if it is nothing, mean that I do not, actually, know 'nothing' since I know that I know that I know something, which means that thinking that I know nothing is actually false since i would know something, even if it is nothing, which, in turn, means I know nothing of myself, and re-validates the statement: that I know nothing.

This leads me to believe that I need a hobby.