October 2, 2008

toLoveRU: Anime

...what the fuck.

I don't know if anyone reading this, if there is anyone at all, is an anime fan. Well, I am. Love it to death actually. But man, gotta say.

Just finished watching this anime called toLoveRU and....what the hell.

The first couple of episodes...not bad...not bad. Introduce supporting characters, interesting situation main characters are in, a love triangle...etc. etc.

But jesus, after the first couple of episodes the plot just ddrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggggggggs out.

Very slow plot development. Way too many, in my humble opinion, filler episodes with little importance on the actual plot, a bit too much fan service and a few other things.

But most imporant of all, the ending was bullshit.

There, I said it. Bullshit.

So, during the last episode, the main character, Rito, has to run to the spaceship. In classic Anime fashion, especially in dealing with these kinds of shows, his friends show up, whoop some ass, and he makes it. The other main character, Lala, the girl he is trying to "save" sorta ((he has to run to the space ship so Lala's father doesn't destroy the earth [by the way, Lala is an alien])). He saves the earth and then suddenly, BAM Lala and Rito are at a wedding ceremony.


Emeril style plot twist.


With a sprinkle of Sam Jackson.

For your information, the beginning plot twist is that Rito unintentionally proposed to Lala ((alien species, different rituals, 'lolz' ensue)).

But yeah, BAM wedding scene.

But, what must be mentioned is that Rito loves this other girl named Haruna. Who is kinda a shy fox. Reminds me of Ami Mizuno. And if you know who she is, try and call me a nerd since it's pretty fucking nerdy to know who she is.

Anyway, suddenly, Lala calls off the wedding, apologizes for all the BULLSHIT she put everyone through, breaks the engagement and then uses a memory wiping device to clear everyone's memory in like...2 fucking minutes.

I mean, last episode, yeah, you gotta put shit together. But damn. Emotional ADD.

Anyway, she "wipes everyone's mind" on the planet earth so she can start over.

Scene changes as Lala is supposedly a new transfer student. Opens the door.

Everyone remembers her.

Why? Cause her inventions are notorious for sucking and dying.

So everyone remembers. Dun dun dun, love triangle still?



They say hi. Rito turns to Haruna and is about to say something, but she stops him and smiles at him and then the last shot is Lala jumping forward to hug/glomp everyone.

Anime over.


26 episodes.

24 minutes long.

Over 10 hours of my life. Wasted.

I am so pissed off.

There was no closure!

I mean, come the fuck on. Even when Spike died in Cowboy Bebop, you had some closure in the fact that the main character is mother fucking dead.

All the last episode did was....make everyone friends. Solved nothing.

Why didn't Lala's father just be like "nope, fuck the memory device, i am the ruler of the galaxy and i am gonna blow the earth up." Or...why didn't Rito grow a spine and tell Lala the truth. Or why couldn't he confess to Haruna till like...episode 24.

Hardly any character development, lots of shy cutsey bullshit, seriously? the only reason to watch this anime is for one reason, and one reason only.

Golden Darkness

Through out all the nambi-pambi bullshit this Anime continued to pump out after a possible openning up with an interesting, if a bit overused idea, Golden Darkness, or Yami-chan, fricken saved this Anime.

Totally badass.

So, if anything...watch it for her. Otherwise...I want my 10 hours back