August 25, 2008

a free spirit at 6:30 in the morning

I hate mornings and I'm not really sure why. Maybe it's because I realize that I am semi- or totally addicted to Advil PM to shut my brain off at night so I can get up for work in the morning. That I can't go until I drop, get up whenever my body is rested and do that again. Even now, while writing this out, I am still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and wondering what the fuck I am doing writing at this ungodly hour of the morning.

But I would like to have a bit more faith in myself and not think that I hate mornings because I am lazy. In fact, I would like to believe I am quite industrious. I mean hell, I amwriting a blog at 6:30 in the morning. So let me turn on my new discovered Korean Pop music and try to get my thoughts out.

By the way, Lee Hyori is gorgeous. I'd recommend looking her up. I've been addicted to her song 'Anyclub' featuring Teddy.

I originally wanted to write this blog about how much we owe to farming in our society. not just for food, but in how we schedule things as well. For example, why does our business day start so "early"?. We originally had to get up this early to take care of the animals and the fields while there was light outside. Summer vacation for schools was also originally because the children needed to be able to help on the farm during the time with most day light.

Also, if you'd notice, most alarm clocks are annoying as fuck. Well, if you've ever heard a rooster crowing in morning, you'd see the connection. Those things are fucking annoying.

Anyway, I realized that as much as we owe to farming in shaping our society in the realm of self schedule is almost as much as I care. recognizably but still very little. I think the only reason I was going to write about farming is because I didn't want to be up this early and wanted to be sympathetic to people that HAVE to be up this early.

Which made me think, in a totally random direction, am I too free spirited for my own good? All I want to do is spend my days or nights going to concerts, networking between my diverse group of friends to hear and see stuff I normally wouldn't, writing down my insane story ideas to decode my own self, dive into the fantasy worlds of video games, be intimate with someone I care for and somehow make enough money to do this and take care of my finances.

I'm actually a fairly simple guy. I have a POS cell phone, a used car, an old computer. I don't have top of the line stuff. Though I do realize the irony of saying I am simple but have technology. So shut your face, it's early for me :)

but what I think I am trying to get at while my brain is still waking up is that maybe I need to learn to enjoy my mornings and still do the things I want to do and figure out how to get paid for it.

Or maybe I am too tired to make coherent thoughts for a blog.

I may write one later tonight just to put out some thing with a more intelligent design.

Doesn't help matters that I was distracted by this and this's early.

August 14, 2008

Religion from an Agnostic

It's weird.

For some reason, Religion seems to be becoming a popular topic of discussion around me. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I am now comfortable telling people I am agnostic, when before, I really wasn't. But it seems now that some co-workers and neighbors know I am agnostic, from their asking, I keep hearing more about this 'God' fellow. As if I've become some sort of magnetic for potential redemption now that I am not part of the crowd.

Yet, I can find it within myself to believe. Maybe it's because I've been to other temples, shrines, etc, and have seen the faith that other religions can bring. Maybe it's because I simply don't believe there is anyway I can worship something that would be impossible to disprove or prove. I understand the leap of faith involved in religion, I just don't think its for me.

But, if I was to believe, I have a feeling I know where I might.

I was reading up on Hinduism and there was this interesting concept they have, besides Dhrama and Karma. They don't believe in hell because they believe they very concept of hell states that there are deeds that can be done that are outside of God's love. Very interesting concept.

But something that grabs my attention more so, is the concept of Omniquantism.

I read it in a webcomic. I know it sounds silly, but the base idea makes a lot of sense to me. The idea of Omniquantism is that all religions are correct.

How so? you may ask.

Well, if God, or whatever deity, is truly omnipotent, couldn't all the religions beliefs be true? couldn't each culture just have interpreted divine action differently than others?

I think if there is a God, Omniquantism makes the most sense. Every religion is correct, they are just different interpretations of the same actions.

If you look into the base religion of Japan. Not the major religions, but the overall, kind of neighborhood religion, there is this concept that is very close to religion. the Japanese people believe they are all children of the sun, and the sun has sent down it's son and they pray to him for help, guidance, and all that. that sounds very close to how Jesus came down from God, and we are all God's children.

Similiar ideas, just interpreted differently.

I've also heard rumors that, in those years of Jesus' life not documented in the bible, from age 12 to age 30ish, that Jesus may have spent some time studying in the Orient, practicing his teachings and learning along the way. This would tie into the idea of different interpretations.

What I find most silly is that many people who are devoutly religious have never taken the time to look at what other religions are saying and immediately assume they are wrong. I am not saying all devoutly religious people do that, but I would wager my money on 'many' being the correct vernacular.

But when you really look at it, Religion is pretty much the same. They all have their rituals and sense of community. Ways of reaffirming belief and all that good stuff Emile Durkheim talks about in his study of religion.

By the way, if you never have, I'd recommend reading Durkheim's work Ritual and Religion, can be quite interesting. Especially his talk about the sacred and the profane. After I'm done reading my book on consciousness, and the complete works of Max Weber, I'm going to dive back into Durkheim's work.

Anyway, that's all I can really think of to say about this, just thought this might be a bit thought provoking

August 12, 2008


Man, I hate being tired all the time. It's hard for my brain to work.

I'll post something sometime this weekend.

I got enough thoughts floating around in this tired brain to say something still.